Sunday, July 17, 2011

Latest Mischeif With the Bonners

We have moved into the villa in Castel Volturno.  As we have been moving since April, it is awesome to be home at last.  We have lots of boxes to open.  It's great to assess all of our possessions and decide what goes where and maybe trim off the excess if possible.  We're feeling ridiculously wealthy.  A house this big and this full of marble will tend to do that to you.

Every day we go driving hither or thither, and we look out at the amazing countryside, and we say to each other "Can you believe this?"

Last week Peter, Steven and Sam took part in a children's theatre workshop presented on the Navy base by Missoula Children's Theatre.  (This is the same program that Evergreen Children's Theatre has been sponsoring in Bremerton for over a decade.)  It was an excellent experience for the boys.  They put on a production of "King Arthur's Quest" on Friday.  It was adorable, and I think the children who participated will never forget being in it.  I think process was very empowering for all of them.  When I get it uploaded, you can watch a little video of the show here.

Yesterday we visited the amphitheatre in Capua where the gladiator Sparticus made a name for himself before being sent up to Rome.  We live quite close to Capua.  The amphitheatre is an amazing structure.  It was really, really awesome to see and walk around in something that was built over 2000 years ago.  (If you come visit us here, we are definitely taking you there.)  I'm sorry not to have taken our camera with us, but you can see lots of pictures if you click here.  This amphitheatre predates the one in Rome by 100 years.  The cool thing about this one is that it's not on the main tourist routes.  Because of this, while Rome's amphitheatre is crowded all summer long, this one is usually pretty deserted.  (It certainly was yesterday.)

Friday night Anna and Paulo took us out with their family to a nice restuarant for pizza and spaghetti.  The food was typically OUTSTANDING.  (We never ate real pizza in USA, and there is no such thing as real mozzerella in the states.  I'm sorry, but it's true.)  But what was hilarious was how Bone pushed and pushed and pushed me to go sing a little karaoke.  After I got up there, Anna decided that what's good for the goose is good for the gander.  She dragged Bone up there and made him sing Sinatra's "I Did it My Way".  I enjoyed that way more than I should have. 

Bone will be playing and singing at Mario's bar pretty soon.  He's looking forward to that.  (Mario is Anna and Paulo's son-in-law.  He's super-nice.  This is such an awesome family.)

It really did feel good to sing, even though the DJ forced me to sing that song from "Titanic".  But he redeemed himself when he let me sing "Smoke Gets in Your Eyes".

I keep thinking about starting an a capella choir on the Navy base.  I crave music and singing.  I think I'm ready to learn to direct a group.  But we won't know unless we try...

Ciao for now.  We miss you. 


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